The Whoosh Show The Carquest Bowl January 1, 1994 (Cheers theme music plays) Band is standing on the field, when over the mike, the announcer says: "Hey there guys!!" BAND: Norm!!!!! Cliff Claven: Hey there Normie... how ya doing there? Norm: Well Cliffie, it's a dog eat dog football game, and the Eagles are wearing Milk Bone underwear. What are you doing up here in the announcers booth? Cliff: Well, that Virginia team had some kind of show to announce, but it was written in Southern, so they asked me to come and translate for the BC fans. Go ahead kid. Aaron: It's the Award Winning Virginia Fighting Cavalier Indoor Outdoor Precision Marching Pep Band and Chowder Society Revue Unlimited!!!!!! Cliff: Translation: Hey Boston, It's The Pep Band. Let's have a beer. Hope ya'll had a Merry Christmas, Happy Hannakah, or even a Soulful Kuanza. The pep Band is all for the spirit of giving, but if you bought Jr. any of these gifts, you MIGHT want to take them back... - Velociraptor Barney - Backstage Passes to a Michael Jackson Concert - Leukemia Barbie - Amy Fischer Inflate-a-mate doll - The Amtrak Derailarific Train set - Dr. Kevorkian's Operation -the wacky suicide game (Don't touch the sides - Bzzzz) - The Lorena Bobbit playset - The Don't Ask Don't Tell GI Joe Gay action figure (with Kung Fu Grip) And now for some commentary: Now let's get this straight.... Florida State was ranked number one. They lost to Notre Dame, who in turn were ranked number one. This makes sense. Now the next week, Boston College beat Notre Dame who was ranked number one. Logically then, Boston College should be ranked number one. (THE BC FANS GO WILD) And that means just one thing, if Virginia wins today, .... "WE'RE NUMBER ONE!!!! WE'RE NUMBER ONE!!!!! WE'RE NUMBER ONE!!!!" And now for a word from our good friend, Bucky the Clown: "H-H-H-Hey Kids! I'm Bucky the Clown! Did you not get what you asked for this Christmas? Well.... don't just sit there! Jump into action!! First, rub a little onions in your eyes to get those tears a-flowin! Then, stop calling your parents Mommy and Daddy and just use their first names- - you know, like Bill or Sue. H-H-H-Hey!! That drives `em crazy!!! Then, write a letter to God saying that if your parents really loved you, they would have given you that toy you asked for!! Make sure to leave it out where your parents are sure to find it! H-H-H-Hey!! The guilt will be unbearable!!!! And in a matter of days, you'll get the goods!! Remember kids-- if there's no guilt involved, it's just not Christmas!! This year, you won't have to be lucky... just listen to Bucky!! Happy New Year!! H-H-H- Hey!!!! FLASH: These scores just in: Nebraska 23, Florida State NOTHING!! And in other action, in the third quarter, Notre Dame is .... oh, sorry-- nobody really cares about that one. As debate over the nation's health care system continues, the Clinton Administration continues to revise its proposals. The newest addition to the health plan includes a provision which would assign one doctor to all patients aged 70 and older in the United States. The White House expects Dr. Kevorkian to start sometime next month. Ladies and gentlemen, last weekend, after the Pep Band show, we found a young orange tabby cat with white feet and markings, wearing a red collar with the name "Snuggles" inscribed on the tags. If this sounds like your cat, thanks, because it tasted really good. This show has been a presentation of the Award Winning Virginia Fighting Cavalier Indoor/Outdoor Precision(?) Marching Pep Band and Chowder Society Review, Unlimited. The Pep Band would like to remind you that, in case of an emergency, please contact the nearest usher. If you cannot locate an usher, scream "Fire" at the top of your lungs until the local authorities come to address your concerns. As for the rest of you, in case of a fire, please don't panic. Even though this stadium is not equipped with emergency evacuation plans, there is no reason to be concerned. We have plenty of insurance to cover the damages. Thank you for enjoying the show!