Pudwhacker Bowl Show, Scenic Shreveport


This is a test of the Pep Band Emergency Broadcast system, this is only a test.
(whiney sound effect). This has been a test of the Pep Band Emergency Broadcast
System.  If this had an actual emergency, the tone you just heard would have been
followed by the storming of the field by... The Award Wining, No Receipt, No
Refund, Virginia Fighting Cavalier Indoor/Outdoor Precision (?) Marching Pep Band
& Chowder Society Revue, Unlimited!!!!!!!!!!!

Form: Happy Fun Ball

Song "Olympic Fanfare and Your Mother"

*BANG*  Form: One big V

Song: Cav Song

*BANG*  Form: UVA

Song: Rock n Roll, part 2....the Gary Glitter classic  Tag (you're it)

The preceding show was a presentation of the Virginia Fighting Cavalier Indoor
Outdoor Precision (?) Marching Pep Band and Chowder Society Revue, Unlimited! 
The show was rated R by the scramble band association.  The Pep Band will not be
held responsible for things underage people may do later in their lives as a
result of the material in this show.  All characters in this show were purely
fictitious, with the exception of your Mother in law.  And resemblance to your
Mother in law was totally intentional, although none of us are really that fat.
Thank you for enjoying the show!


Opener.   (i hardly know 'er!)

The holiday special "Frosty the Snowman Meets Jocelyn Elders" will not be seen at
this time.  Instead, we bring you The Award Winning, Stocking Stuffing, Virginia
Fighting Cavalier Indoor Outdoor Precision Marching Pep Band And Chowder Society
Revue, Unlimited!!!!!!!!!

Form "911"

(Soft voice a la Easy Listening DJs)  You have reached Philadelphia 911.  We're
sorry but all emergency response technicians are currently busy.  Please hold and
an operator will be with you shortly.

Song "Basin Street Blues"

*BANG*  Form "Christmas Tree"

Bad news for kids!  Santa Claus has been shot down over North Korean airspace.
North Korean officials are holding the jolly fat man hostage and will not release
him until they have been taken off the "naughty" list, and have an assurance that
Jimmy Carter will never ever visit their country again.

Song "Live and Let Die"


FLASH!  (Singing) I feel like reindeer tonight...  Like reindeer tonight!
Reindeer - the other, other white meat!  (chime ding)

(Easy Listening voice) You have reached Philadelphia 911.  Your call is important
to us -- please keep holding. 

Form:  ?  

And now the Halftime statistics brought to you by the Intel Pentium processor.
Virginia scored ___ touchdown(s) while TCU scored ___.  This makes the score 
(tap microphone as if it was an ENTER key) ___ point 99943 to ___ point 00014
(pause) Wait a minute.

Song "25 or 6 to 4"

(Easy Listening)  We're sorry, but all operators are currently busy watching the
Independence bowl.  If this is  really an emergency, please leave your name and
number and we'll answer your call as soon as we care.

*BANG*  Form: House

In today's edition of This Old White House, host Bob Vila shows how to remove
those unsightly propeller scars, and spackle distracting bullet holes in your
presidential mansion.

Song "Late In the Evening"

*BANG*  (band leaves field)  Ú

FLASH!  Attention shoppers, attention shoppers.  Power rangers are now available
on Aisle 35,  Power Rangers on aisle 35.  (Band drops instruments, rush to the
left 35 yd line and creates a huge flesh pile.  One member on top thrusts a hand
in the air triumphantly) I got one I got one! (other members promptly tackle

THE END  (Band exits field)